

    Dalian Ao Chuang Fluid Coupling Co., Ltd.

    Phone: +86 15712355723

    Fax: +86 411 86663996

    Email: acyox@hotmail.com

    Website: giusytomaselli.com

    No.793, XiNan Road, Shahekou District, Dalian City, China

Torque limiting couplings, Load limiting type of constant filling fluid couplings
Torque limiting couplings, Load limiting type of constant filling fluid couplings
  *  source : giusytomaselli.com      *  release time : 2017-02-15 10:47:45      *  font size:【

Torque limiting couplings, Load limiting type of constant filling fluid couplings' image

DAC fluid couplings, improve the starting capability of electric motor, protect motor against overloading, damp shock, 
load fluctuation and torsional vibration, and balance the load distribution in case of multi-motor 

YOX series, used in belt conveyers, scraper conveyers, and conveyers of all kinds, bucket elevators, ball mills, hoisters, crushers, excavators, mixers, straighteners, cranes, etc.

Dalian Ao Chuang Fluid Coupling Co., Ltd. (DAC) aims to provide all our clients with quality fluid couplings, 
customize the size of the fluid coupling and its accessories for all of our clients. All for our clients, providing quality services and guidance.


Ordering Instructions

next chapter:YOXD400

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